Tür Nümero Five öffnet sich und es kommen für mich quasi die Nachkommen von Pantera (sorry philllio!) zum Vorschein: Five Finger Death Punch – The Way of the Fist (Lyrics)
Wer die Band richtig erraten hat, bekommt einen Punkt. Den konkreten Titel braucht ihr nicht noch zu tippen (also könnt ihr durchaus angeben, aber ich hatte dafür keinen Extra-Punkt vorgesehen). Obiges Video gibt es übrigens hier: http://vimeo.com/26355584
Stil: Groove Metal | Jahr: 2007 | Album: The Way Of The Fist

Cover vom Debüt-Album “The Way Of The Fist”
Und hier mal wieder die Lyrics direkt: (Quelle: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/fivefingerdeathpunch/thewayofthefist.html
:: Lyrics “The Way Of The Fist” ::
Break this shit down!
Zoltan, open the sky![V1:]
You want it, you got it
Everything you needed and more
You said it, I heard it
Careful what you wish for
Deleted, defeated everything you’ve ever been
No mercy, it’s the way of the fist[Pre-Chorus:]
Strapped with rage, got no patience for victims
Sick and tired of the whole fuckin’ world[Chorus:]
I don’t remember asking you about your imperfections
You might win one battle
But know this, I’ll win the fucking war!End of the goddamn road! (Right!)
Step to me, step to me motherfucker
Zip your lip, you’ve run out of time
Step to me, step to me motherfucker
Talk the talk, now walk the damn line[V2:]
Deserve it, you earned it, got yourself a fuckin’ war
Believe it, you need it, face down on the fuckin’ floor
I hate it, can’t take it
Wanna break your fuckin’ bones
No mercy, you faggot
Should’ve left it all alone[Pre-Chorus:]
Strapped with rage, got no patience for victims
Sick and tired of the whole fuckin’ world[Chorus:]
I don’t remember asking you about your imperfections
You might win one battle
But know this, I’ll win the fucking war!As you crash and burn
1, 2, fuck you! (Right!)Step to me, step to me motherfucker
Zip your lip, you’ve run out of time
Step to me, step to me motherfucker
Talk the talk, now walk the damn line!
Step to me, step to me motherfucker
Shut your face, it’s your turn to die
Step to me, step to me anybody
Talk the shit, your ass is mine![Chorus:]
I don’t remember asking you about your imperfections
You might win one battle
But know this: I’ll win the fucking war!